The HydroExpo sponsor brings his support and institutional legitimacy to the show. It contributes to the visibility of HydroExpo.
In return, it is at the heart of the choice of themes treated and exhibited during the show and it in turn benefits from the visibility given to it by the communication actions carried out by HydroExpo.
HydroExpo sponsorship is reserved for institutional players, professional organizations and professional associations with a more or less close relationship with the maintenance and development of aquatic environments.
Eric Di Gaspero
+33 (0)6 14 38 77 68
The general mission of the Ministry of Ecological Transition is to prepare and implement Government policy in all areas linked to ecology, energy transition and the protection of biodiversity.
The European Flood Risk Prevention Center (CEPRI) is an independent, non-profit association, intended to provide technical and scientific support in the prevention and management of flood risk in France and Europe. As part of its actions, CEPRI publishes methodological guides and reports in order to share good practices for flood risk prevention. Its particular project is the emergence of the resilient city. CEPRI plays an interface role between the State and local authorities through: Animation and exchange of information on the prevention and management of flood risk. Supporting local authorities, national and European authorities in the implementation of measures for the prevention and management of flood risk as well as the development of resilient cities.
Urban France is the reference association for metropolises, urban communities, urban communities and large cities. It is an association of communities that embodies urban diversity and promotes the alliance of territories.
Since 1990, the RIVAGES DE FRANCE association has federated, represented, led and promoted a national network of managers of preserved natural coastal and lake areas. It resolutely positions itself as an interlocutor of the public authorities and as a natural promoter of the preservation and sustainable management of exceptional spaces.
France Digues est une association loi 1901 qui vise à structurer, consolider et représenter la profession de gestionnaire d'ouvrages de protection contre les inondations, à être un lieu d'échanges techniques et de formation. Ce site est l'un des outils qu'elle propose à cette fin.
Créé en 1894, l’Institut de Genech est un établissement qui prépare aux métiers de la nature et du vivant. Il accueille les élèves dès le Collège en classe de 4ème et 3ème et propose un enseignement professionnel (CAP, Bac Professionnel, BTS, Brevet Professionnel, Licence), technologique (Bac Sciences et Technologie de l’Agronomie et du Vivant) et général.
L’ensemble des formations professionnelles est possible par voie scolaire et en alternance pour les apprentis et les adultes.
L’Institut de Genech propose également des formations pour les entreprises.